welding & fabrication
Over the years, material chemical and physical properties have changed to provide higher tensile and yield strength, more corrosion and/or abrasion resistance, higher heat resistance and other characteristics. Welding many of these materials require established weld procedures be strictly followed by certified welders. We are proud of the fact that we employ many welders certified in these areas.
We do coded and non-coded vessel and piping repairs and manufacturing. We also build conveyor screws of various diameters, lengths and pitches and the troughs to match the conveyor screw. Some of these screws and troughs require hard surfacing to reduce wear due to an abrasive environment. We do these hardsurfacing jobs with either the Plasma Transfer Arc (PTA), fluxcore, TIG, or by using hardsurfacing electrodes.
Our shop consists of numerous shop and portable welding machines up to 600 amps. We have 4 weld positioners up to 2500 pounds capacity, two sets of tank turning rolls up to a 30 ton capacity, an 8’ by 8” weld manipulator, and many other pieces of equipment that allows us to complete our jobs quicker while producing a better quality finished product.